
Lemon earl grey tea bundt cake 香檸紅茶奶油蛋糕

Inspired by traditional lemon bundt cake, I designed my own version of lemon bundt cake. It is lighter but still moist. Black tea is a perfect match to lemon, it gives simple lemon cake richer flavor and taste. You will be amazed by this gourmet!
Inspired by traditional lemon bundt cake, I designed my own version of lemon bundt cake.  Black tea is really a perfect match to lemon, it gives simple lemon cake richer flavor and taste.

 It is lighter but still moist.You will be amazed by this gourmet!

Ingredients: For one 8" round cake.

A. For the cake 蛋糕體: 
4 yolks 蛋黃
135g granulated sugar 細砂糖
 4 egg whites 蛋白
120g cake flour 低筋麵粉
15g earl grey tea powder 伯爵紅茶粉
40g whole fat milk (room temperature) 室溫全脂牛奶
130g melted butter 融化奶油
few pinch of lemon zest 少許 檸檬皮

  • B. For the Glaze 糖霜: 
236g confectioners' sugar
  • 40g fresh lemon juice
  • few pinch of lemon zest 少許 檸檬皮

Before you start:
1. Grind black tea leaves into powder, zest lemon.
    將紅茶葉磨成碎屑, 削檸檬皮。

2. Sift flour and black tea powder collectively, separate egg whites and yolks.

3. Melt butter and cool it down to room temperature.

4. Butter and flour baking pan.  

5. Preheat oven to 170 degrees.

Preparation 做法:
For the cake 香檸紅茶蛋糕體:
1. Use an electric whisk to whisk yolks and half of sugar until foamy. When you see the colour of yolks looks like the colour of baby ducks, usually it is ready.

2. Make meringue: whisk eggs whites until soft peak and add in the rest of sugar in three times. Whisk until firm peak.
打發蛋白: 將蛋白打發到濕性發泡後,分三次加入剩下的糖並打到中性發泡(尾端挺立)。                                

3. Take a bit of meringue and lightly whisk it with whisked yolks. We do this is because the texture of yolks is thicker than meringue, by adding a bit of meringue first can help mixing more easily when you deal with large amount of meringue.

4. Use a spatula to mix the rest of meringue and the yolk-meringue mixture you got from step 3. Mix lightly and gently.

5. Now add in dry ingredients, mix evenly. Then finally add in milk and melted butter. Mix the batter fast but gently.

7. Pour the batter into a pan from high point and tape the pan on table for few times to kill bubbles.

8. Bake in oven for approximately 25 mins at 170 degrees.

9. Cool ythe cake on a cooling rack until completely cooled.

Yay!!! Golden brown!!!

For the glaze 檸檬糖霜:
1. Simply mix sugar powder, lemon zest and fresh lemon juice until even.

2. Glaze your cake the way you want and decorate it.

The best timing to eat this cake is to wait until the next day. Wait until the cake absorbs the flavour of butter and milk!

Preserve the cake at room temperature, not in the fridge. If you want the cake to be softer, heat it in the microwave for about 5-10 seconds.


Gâteau au chocolat 古典巧克力蛋糕

A chocolate cake for chocolate lovers.

This gateau au chocolat is very moist. It really melts in your mouth!

Ingredients: For one 8" round cake

A. For the chocolate sponge 
80g butter 奶油
70g heavy whipping cream (35%  of fat) 動物鮮奶油
90g semi-sweet chocolate (72% of cocoa) 苦甜巧克力
4 yolks 蛋黃
136g granulated sugar 細砂糖
 4 egg whites 蛋白
48g cocoa powder 無糖可可粉 
42g cake flour 低筋麵粉

B. For the glaze (ganache):
50g semi-sweet chocolate (72% of cocoa) 苦甜巧克力
70g cream ( 35g% of fat) 動物性鮮奶油
10g honey 蜂蜜

Before you start:
1. Sift flour and cocoa powder collectively, separate egg whites and yolks.

2. Butter and flour baking mold.  

3. Preheat oven to 170 degrees.

Preparation 做法:
A. For the chocolate sponge:

1. Make ganache: bring whipping cream and butter to almost boil, gently pour it onto chopped chocolate and stir the mixture while pouring the creams.

Note: The cream and butter shouldn't be too hot, should only be hot enough to melt chocolate!

2. Mix yolks and half quantity of sugar in a double boiler. When the temperature of yolks reach to 37-38 degree, mix it with ganache (step 1).

3. Make meringue: beat egg whites with an electric whisk until foamy. Add in the rest of sugar at one time and beat until soft peak.

4. Take half of the dry ingredients (cocoa powder and flour) and gently mix with chocolate-yolk mixture until evenly. Then add in half of the meringue and mix until evenly again.

5. Repeat step 4 until you have a chocolate cake batter.

6. Pour the chocolate cake batter into a mold and tap the mold on table for at least 50 times to release big bubbles.

Note: As I said in the beginning, this recipe is to make a 8 inch round mold cake but you can also use bundt pan:)

7. Bake in the oven for around 40-45 mins. To check if your cake is ready, you can insert a toothpick in the cake and if the toothpick comes out clean, means your cake is ready.

8. Remove cake from oven and put it upside down on a cooling rack for cooling.

B. For chocolate glaze: 

9. While the cake body is on the cooling process, make glaze. Bring cream to almost boil, then gently pour it onto chopped chocolate and stir the mixture at the same time. Stir the ganache until smooth.

10. Then add in honey. Again stir it until smooth and even.

11. Let glaze cool down until its texture is firm enough before using. 

12. Slowly and evenly pour glaze on the sponge and let it set up before serving.
Note: You can glaze the cake however you like.. Improvise the part that has not enough of glaze, as long as the result is beautiful. Literally, there is no technique for it :)

You can decorate the cake with few pieces of gold sheet. Very simple decoration but looks elegant.

Looks even more beautiful on cake plate! 裝在蛋糕盤子裡更美了!!! <3